Dr. Noreen recommends Twin Pines

Dr. Noreen of Tonner Doll Hospital recommends Twin Pines products

Vinyl / Hard Plastic Care
Most vinyls and hard plastics can easily be cleaned using a mild soap and water solution...and a dry, clean white paper towel...this will best remove surface dirt. Since vinyl is porous, it can absorb dyes...to remove these stains within the vinyl, we recommend you contact our doll hospital for assistance...there are several remedies available for such stain removal, but you must always be cautious to not place any such solutions over a painted area...it will remove the paint, too - or it may discolor the vinyl! One resource we recommend for doll care products is 'Twin Pines of Maine.'

Hard Plastics? Well...take extra care...whereas they are not porous like vinyl...and they can resist stains much better; they are not completely immune from staining (especially when certain chemicals are involved!). Cleaners ordinarily used for vinyls can melt hard plastic...as can other caustic chemicals ordinarily used for cleaning. Take extra care when exposing hard plastic to any cleaning solution other than mild soap and water...and contact our doll hospital if you have questions! One resource we recommend for doll care products is 'Twin Pines of Maine.'